
The Best Interest of a Child in a Hartford Custody Case

Connecticut courts use the best interest of the child standard to decide custody arrangements. Even if the parents draft a proposed agreement, the court must review it to ensure the child’s needs have been adequately taken into account.

The courts consider many factors when determining the best interest of a child in a Hartford custody case. To learn more about how these decisions are made, reach out to a seasoned child custody attorney.

Can Parents Determine What is in the Child’s Best Interest?

Parents do not always agree on what is in the best interest of their child. For this reason, the court has the authority to issue custody orders. Even if two parties present a proposed joint or shared custody arrangement, the court will review it to ensure it centers the child’s best interest.

Family courts are often in favor of having both parents in the child’s life. However, parents may present evidence to the court if they believe giving the other party custody would be detrimental to the child’s well-being.

Typical Factors Considered When Determining Custody in Hartford

There are many factors the court must consider when making a ruling on legal or physical custody. Common areas of concern when determining custody include the child’s specific physical, emotional, and educational needs. Judges will also consider the child’s relationship with both parents and any siblings. Additionally, if one party has demonstrated they cannot properly care for the child, the court will certainly take that into account.

Factors That are Not Used to Determine Custody

A parent’s income is not a driving force in a court’s decision to award custody to one parent over the other. Although, in certain cases if these financial circumstances significantly impact the individual’s ability to raise the child, the judge may consider this fact. A skilled lawyer can inform Hartford parents of the factors that can and cannot be used when determining what is in their child’s best interest.

Presenting Evidence of What Best Serves the Child

In child custody cases, parents often involve third parties who provide their opinion of the child’s best interests. For example, a guardian ad litem—attorney for children—or family relations officer may conduct a custody evaluation. After the assessment, that person will provide a recommendation to the court.

Counselors and therapists are often permitted to provide expert witness testimony. Additionally, an experienced lawyer can subpoena witnesses such as teachers or relatives to speak on the child’s well-being.

Preparing for Inspections

In some cases, the court will inspect an individual’s home to ensure the child’s potential living situation is adequate. The inspection will need to reveal that the house is clean and safe, and there is sufficient food for the child. If the parent has multiple children of different genders, the inspector may want to confirm that they have separate rooms. A lawyer can help parents prepare for these types of situations.

A Lawyer Can Help You Establish The Best Interest of a Child in a Hartford Custody Case

If you are dealing with a custody case, you need a lawyer who can showcase your efforts to be a good caregiver. Further, if you believe your child’s other parent should not have custody, an attorney can help you gather evidence to prove your case. To learn more about how the court decides the best interest of a child in a Hartford custody case, call our office today.

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