
The team at Dolan Divorce Lawyers understands how complicated it can be to navigate a familial issue, no matter how big or small. We pride ourselves on our approachability, ability to listen intently to our clients, and capability to deliver desired results with little stress and optimal ease. It’s not always easy to talk through a problem when it arises, especially if you are suddenly put in the middle of a tough situation. We are proud to assist those approaching these challenges with a calm and organized mindset and feel that these qualities deserve recognition. That is why we are excited to offer our annual Mediation & Conversations Scholarship!

This $1,000 scholarship was created to promote mindfulness and maturity in the communicative sphere, whether between family members, friends, workplace, or simply through daily life. In 750-1,000 words, we invite students to write about a time when they had to mediate between people in their lives, the communication tools they used, and what they learned from the experience. We are looking for examples of why mindful communication is vital to building and maintaining healthy relationships. 


  • The scholarship is open to any current high school senior, college student, or graduate student who is a legal resident of the United States residing in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia and who is enrolled in a two to five-year post-secondary institution for the 2024-2025 school year.
  • Employees of Dolan Divorce Lawyers, PLLC, their immediate families, and individuals living in the same households as such individuals (whether related or not) are not eligible to participate. 
  • Candidates for this scholarship should have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher and good overall academic standing.

Application Requirements

  • The candidate must submit a 750-1,000 word essay response to the prompt: 
    • Write about a time during which you helped mediate a conflict, argument, or otherwise uncomfortable or frustrating situation between peers. What was the conflict? How did it arise? What communicative tools did you engage in to help mediate or solve it? What did the experience teach you about communication for future conflicts or challenging scenarios? 
  • The candidate must submit a professional resumé that lists their experience, both professional and academic.
  • The candidate must submit a transcript from their current school. First-year college students, graduate students, or individuals who have recently transferred schools may submit an unofficial transcript from their current school, as well as the most recent official transcript from their prior school. High school students must also submit proof of acceptance to their college or university.

We will choose the 2024 Mediation & Conversations Scholarship recipient during the month following the scholarship deadline.

Scholarship Application

    Scholarship application

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