
New Haven Child Custody Lawyer

Child custody disputes can put stress on both parents and children. The complex laws that govern which courts can hear these disputes and what judges should consider during these hearings can be confusing. Additionally, while parents may submit proposed childcare plans, all agreements must undergo judicial evaluation, which could result in an undesired arrangement.

A compassionate New Haven child custody lawyer can fight for your rights and your children’s best interests. The dedicated family attorneys at our firm have the experience and knowledge to help parents successfully navigate custody disputes.

Parties Entitled to Custody in New Haven

According to Connecticut General Statutes §46b-56, judges are permitted to enter orders addressing the custody, care, visitation, support, and education of minor children during family proceedings. Courts may award legal guardianship to one or both parents, family members, or a third party.
State law presumes biological parents share equal custodial rights to their children. However, state social services, foster parents, or other family members may obtain permanent or temporary residential custody when the biological parents cannot properly care for their child. A child custody attorney in New Haven can advocate for family members who wish to obtain custody or visitation rights.

Types of Custodial Arrangements

The state generally recognizes two types of child custody. Legal custody refers to the parents’ rights to make decisions regarding the child’s healthcare, schooling, travel, and religion. Physical custody typically refers to the child’s residence and living arrangements.

Courts may award joint or sole custody, depending on the circumstances. If both parties are fit to parent, they typically share legal custody. Physical custody will typically be one of two scenarios: primary physical custody to one parent with visitation to the noncustodial parent, or shared physical custody between both parents. A lawyer in the area can help parents draft proposed child custody plans for a judge to review that work for the specific needs of their family.

Best Interest Standards Governing Child Custody

In all proceedings related to custody and visitation, the child’s best interest determines the ruling. Family judges must analyze the following factors before entering custody orders:

  • The age, mental development, and emotional needs of the child
  • The parents’ ability to meet the child’s needs
  • The parents’ and child’s custodial preferences
  • Both parties’ ability to co-parent
  • The relationship between the children and parents, step-parents, siblings, or other parties
  • Manipulation of the child regarding the custody dispute
  • Allegations of abuse or neglect

A caring legal professional in New Haven can represent parents individually, work as a child custody lawyer for a minor child (AMC), or advocate for the child’s best interest as a neutral guardian ad litem (GAL).

Speak with a New Haven Child Custody Attorney

A child’s wellbeing is the most important factor in a custody dispute. As such, legal counsel should consider both your needs and your child’s health and happiness when working on these cases.

A New Haven child custody lawyer from our firm can help a parent develop a parenting schedule or fight for your custody and visitation rights in court. Call our office today to speak with a legal professional about your case.

Connecticut Family Lawyer | CT Family Law | Dolan Family Attorneys N/a
129 Whitney Ave #3A New Haven CT 06510 (203) 720-6874