Marriage affords spouses certain legal protections, which often includes the right to support after divorce. However, making sure you receive or make fair payments can be difficult without an experienced family law attorney by your side. One of our New Haven spousal support lawyers can help you navigate the alimony process and transition into this new life after ending a marriage.
Either spouse, regardless of gender, may qualify for alimony in the state. However, the law does not mandate spousal maintenance awards, and married couples can waive or modify support payments through prenuptial agreements and divorce settlements. These factors, along with many others, determine what kind of spousal support a person may be eligible to receive.
Rehabilitative alimony exists to help one spouse resettle and reenter the workforce and generally expires after a specific period of time. Stay-at-home parents with an otherwise high earning potential may obtain short-term support while searching for a job or attending a degree program.
With the help of a legal advocate, spouses may also request alimony pendente lite, or during litigation. According to Connecticut General Statute § 46b-83, spouses filing for divorce on grounds such as adultery, extreme cruelty, or willful abandonment may qualify for vital support pendente lite after submitting evidence of fault. A spousal support lawyer with experience handling these types of cases can help financially dependent partners request either temporary or permanent spousal support during divorce proceedings.
Many couples work with family mediators to negotiate the amount and duration of alimony payments. When spouses cannot agree, the local family court must determine how to award spousal support. Judges must consider the following factors before entering a spousal maintenance and support order:
Judges might order monthly alimony payments, direct the paying party to purchase an annuity, or require an individual to obtain life insurance to benefit the supported spouse. A lawyer in the area can help spouses gather the evidence necessary to prove entitlement to spousal support.
Circumstances might change after a final spousal support decision. A spouse collecting permanent alimony may remarry, obtain a good job, or receive an inheritance. Conversely, paying parties may lose their job or develop an illness. In general, requests for judicial modification or termination of alimony require evidence of substantially changed circumstances. In such cases, a local alimony attorney can help someone petition to modify or terminate spousal support.
Alimony exists to support those who were financially dependent on their spouse. You might qualify for spousal maintenance for a short period of time or for the rest of your life. With a New Haven spousal support lawyer, you can remain financially stable after a divorce. Call our team today to discuss your rights following a divorce.