
Terminating Spousal Support in New Haven

When a divorce judgment calls for the payment of spousal support and subsequently an individual’s income or circumstances change, modifying or terminating spousal support in New Haven can be a complicated and challenging process. In these situations, it is crucial to put forward evidence that shows the spousal support request is valid and appropriate. A qualified litigator can help if you find yourself looking to terminate or modify your spousal support agreement.

Common Arguments to Terminate Spousal Support

There are various reasons for an individual to seek a termination or minimization of their spousal support obligations, but it is necessary to have a strong claim when bringing a case to the court. Some of the most common reasons a judge may allow an individual to terminate or reduce spousal support involve one of the following events:

  • The party receiving the spousal support remarries (assuming there is no provision in the divorce agreement that already automatically terminates alimony on the happening of this event)
  • The party receiving alimony has a material increase in their income beyond any safe harbor provision
  • The party paying alimony has a material reduction in their income

Additionally, if the spousal support is subject to the state’s cohabitation statute, the paying party can seek a court order to have the spousal support terminated or be reduced on the basis of the cohabitation where there is an accompanying improvement in the party’s financial circumstance. Each party’s needs should be considered when filing for a modification or termination of spousal support, especially if the parties have children who are primarily residing with one parent, as they may need a greater portion of the family’s net income. Retaining an attorney in New Haven can assist a party in successfully building their case to discontinue alimony.

Filing for Termination of Spousal Maintenance

When both parties are in agreement to change the spousal support order, they would first have to file a motion to modify the divorce judgment and submit their agreement to the court. However, if parties are not in agreement on the terms of a support modification, a contested hearing before a judge is required.

Going through the process of filing for a minimization or termination of spousal support may seem overwhelming and frustrating. Fortunately, a New Haven lawyer can properly assess the parties’ incomes and prepare an argument to find the best outcome for the individual seeking to reduce or terminate the alimony obligation.

Discuss Your Spousal Support Termination with a New Haven Attorney

Although a family lawyer is not a prerequisite to seeking discontinuation of spousal support, it is advisable to have an experienced New Haven attorney on your side, especially when the other spouse is contesting the motion to terminate the support.

Terminating spousal support in New Haven can be difficult, but skilled counsel can help you through the process. If you feel you should no longer be paying spousal support and have had an unexpected change in circumstances, call to schedule a consultation with a New Haven attorney to discuss your options today.

Connecticut Family Lawyer | CT Family Law | Dolan Family Attorneys N/a
129 Whitney Ave #3A New Haven CT 06510 (203) 720-6874