
Spousal support is not mandatory in Connecticut. However, when one spouse is financially disadvantaged compared to the other, courts may grant it on request.

A court’s spousal support order will direct the amount and duration of alimony and how it must be paid. If your divorce includes alimony, talk to a lawyer about the New Haven spousal support payment process. Our experienced and highly skilled alimony attorneys can review your case.

Direct Withholding Is Standard

Most states and the federal government recognize child support and spousal support as priority obligations that must be paid before satisfying other debts. In most cases, Connecticut ensures that these obligations are paid first by requiring direct income withholding.

Pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes § 52-362, when a judge issues an order requiring child support or alimony, they also issue an order for direct withholding of the funds. The paying parent’s employer receives the order and deducts the required amounts from the paying parent’s wages.

This process has several advantages. It ensures that as long as the paying spouse is employed, the receiving spouse will collect the support owed on time, and there will be a record of it. Direct withholding eliminates the need for contact between the former spouses regarding financial support, which can reduce stressors in the relationship.

Other Periodic Payment Arrangements

Direct income withholding is not practical in all circumstances. It does not work when the paying party derives their income from sources other than W-2 employment.

The law allows couples to agree to other forms of payment. The paying party usually pays the funds to the Connecticut Department of Social Services disbursement unit, which tracks the payment and forwards it to the recipient.

A receiving parent who agrees to a payment method other than income withholding must be protected in case of the paying party’s default. The law provides flexibility and protection, and a New Haven family law attorney can draft a spousal support payment agreement with robust enforcement provisions.

Lump Sum Payments Are Possible

In some scenarios, a couple arranges for a lump sum spousal support payment. Most paying parties do not have sufficient cash on hand for this to be practical. However, when it is an option, both parties should carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

The paying spouse has the advantage that once the lump sum has been paid, they will have no further obligation toward the former spouse. The receiving spouse can access substantial funds to begin their new life as a single person.

Once a couple has entered a lump sum spousal support settlement and paid the agreed amount, neither spouse can request a modification of the agreement. Anyone considering a lump sum spousal support settlement should discuss the implications of this process with a well-versed New Haven lawyer.

Work with a New Haven Attorney to Understand the Spousal Support Payment Process

Transitioning to life as a single person after divorce requires many adjustments. Understanding the practical aspects of alimony payments can help you prepare.

Understanding the practical aspects of alimony payments is crucial for a smooth transition to life as a single person after divorce. Talk to a seasoned divorce lawyer at our firm about the New Haven spousal support payment process.

Our dedicated legal team can help you understand what to expect, ensuring you feel informed and prepared. Get in touch today to schedule an initial consultation.

Connecticut Family Lawyer | CT Family Law | Dolan Family Attorneys N/a
129 Whitney Ave #3A New Haven CT 06510 (203) 720-6874