
Connecticut Spousal Support Lawyer

If you plan to get divorced in Connecticut, paying or receiving spousal support may be a part of your financial future. Spousal support, also referred to as alimony, is a legal safeguard for dependent spouses to ensure they do not experience undue financial hardship during or after a divorce. Spouses can either negotiate a spousal support settlement or seek a court judgment dictating the amount and frequency of alimony.

Before you make a legally binding agreement or go to court, you should consider contacting a Connecticut spousal support lawyer. Our determined family law attorneys can help you either seek or challenge alimony.

The Types of Spousal Support in Connecticut

A spousal support order requires a party to provide financial support to their former spouse. An alimony award does not necessarily guarantee that one party will financially provide for the other at the same level as they had during the marriage.

Unlike some other states, Connecticut allows the court to order spousal support to help one spouse become self-supporting or to reimburse a spouse for making financial sacrifices during the duration of the marriage. The three main types of spousal support are pendente lite, permanent, and rehabilitative.

Temporary vs. Permanent Spousal Support

Pendente lite is temporary spousal support awarded during the pendency of a divorce proceeding to keep one spouse financially afloat until their divorce is finalized. Permanent or lifetime alimony is awarded as part of the final divorce judgment, and requires support be provided for the remainder of a party’s life. While the lifetime term of permanent alimony is typically nonmodifiable, the amount of alimony can be adjusted based on a substantial change in circumstances. Permanent or lifetime alimony is less commonly ordered today, and only appropriate in a limited number of circumstances.

Rehabilitative Alimony

The court awards this type of alimony to a lesser-earning spouse who needs time to become self-supporting after the marriage ends. Individuals who need to attend school or obtain additional skills to enter the job market may pursue this type of alimony. The court will set a date on which the support payment will end. There is no guarantee that someone who requests spousal support will receive it, so it is best to work with a skilled attorney.

Factors that May Impact Alimony

According to Connecticut General Statutes § 46b-82, there are several factors that the court examines when determining whether to award spousal support and how much to award. The court may assess the following:

  • The length of the marriage
  • The ages of both parties
  • The reason(s) for the breakdown of the marriage
  • The parties’ occupations, vocational skills, and the employability
  • The sources and amount of income of each of the parties
  • Marital property awarded to each party
  • Each party’s liabilities

If alimony is a subject of dispute in a person’s divorce case, it is critical that they contact a lawyer to discuss their respective rights and obligations.

A Connecticut Spousal Support Attorney Can Help with Your Case

Alimony is one of the most disputed issues in marital dissolution cases, but you can reach your desired outcome by working with a dedicated attorney. A Connecticut spousal support lawyer can stand by your side throughout the process and represent you in court. Our legal team has your best interests in mind. Contact us today to get started with your case.

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