
Determining Spousal Support in Stamford

In addition to the emotional upheaval often involved following the breakdown of a marriage, it is common to be concerned about how to continue maintaining a household with a change in income. It can also be difficult to determine how much the court will provide for spousal support while considering other parts of the divorce, such as child custody or who maintains the primary home. Many people may not know what support is available to them throughout the marriage dissolution process. An experienced alimony attorney can reduce confusion about the process and help with determining spousal support in Stamford.

Types of Financial Support in a Divorce

There are several sources of financial support available during a divorce. Some may be available at the beginning of the process, others at the end. When it comes to property division, Connecticut is an equitable distribution state. Equitable distribution means assets are to be divided fairly but does not mean equal in the sense of half of all assets. Sometimes, this weighing of equity will include the options that the spouses have to acquire additional income or assets (like stocks or real estate). The concept of equitable distribution carries over into spousal support determinations.

Spousal support, also known as alimony, can be granted to either spouse—regardless of gender—for their day-to-day needs. It is a financial payment made to one spouse by another to provide ongoing financial support, often as a monthly amount, though occasionally as a lump sum. The purpose of spousal support is to recognize one spouse’s continuing duty to provide financial support to another for their contributions during the marriage.

Statutory Considerations for Calculating Spousal Support

The court will consider other awards made during the divorce to the spouse, including custody of minor children and property distribution, when determining alimony in Stamford. The court is required to consider certain factors when making property distribution and spousal support determinations, including:

  • Duration of the marriage
  • Reasons for dissolution
  • Demographics of the spouses, including age, income, occupation, education, earning potential, and job training
  • The needs (including debts) of each of the spouses, including health, housing, employability,
  • The spouses’ contributions in terms of property or assets

However, some other factors could affect the amount of spousal support awarded. For example, when one parent does more childcare for minor children, the court may consider if the children have needs that would be best served by having a parent who does not work or works less than full-time.

The Process of Determining Spousal Support

The court will consider evidence and records from the spouses to determine spousal support in Stamford. This can include testimony from each party. Those records and testimony will focus on earning potential as well as the standard of living for each spouse since the purpose of alimony is to decrease the potential for an avoidable interruption in their quality of life, understanding of course that both parties’ lifestyles will most often need to adjust to the new financial reality of supporting two rather than one household. The court will be guided by the parties’ agreements concerning spousal support, assuming no fraud or duress was involved.

A final decree will set the amount and duration of alimony. While rare today, the concept of lifetime alimony may still be appropriate in certain long-term marriages.

Other kinds of spousal support, such as rehabilitative alimony, may be available to a spouse. This type of alimony provides payments for a short period to allow the recipient spouse to become self-sufficient, such as obtaining a degree or other training programs.

Our Stamford Attorneys Can Help You Determine Spousal Support Payments

Even when both spouses agree to most of the divorce, the process of seeking spousal support can be difficult and overwhelming. You may find that a family law attorney can help you understand your rights and advocate for them.

Our proactive divorce lawyers can help you understand your options for maintaining your household and children’s care during and after a divorce. For help determining spousal support in Stamford, contact our firm today.

Connecticut Family Lawyer | CT Family Law | Dolan Family Attorneys N/a
1700 Bedford Street Suite 202 Stamford CT 06905 (203) 599-7498