
Connecticut Post-Divorce Disputes Lawyer

For many, a divorce is an opportunity to create a fresh start away from the stress and conflict caused by a former spouse. Unfortunately, some issues related to divorce can linger long after the family law court enters the final divorce decree. When these post-divorce issues arise, a dedicated family law attorney can help.

Post-divorce disputes can involve anything from property distribution issues and alimony payments to questions of child custody. These disputes may involve issues present during the breakdown of the marriage or new conflicts arising after the divorce. Any of these issues can be faced with the assistance of a Connecticut post-divorce disputes lawyer.

Examples of Post-Divorce Disputes

A number of potential disputes may occur after a divorce decree has been finalized, and while they might be worked through amicably in some cases, legal action might be necessary for others. A post-divorce disputes attorney in Connecticut can help when legal action becomes necessary.

Property Division

Not every aspect of property division will be concluded before the finalization of the divorce decree. Some decrees apply to future transactions like the selling or refinancing of the marital home.

Child Custody

Child custody issues are one of the most common post-divorce disputes. These disputes may involve parenting schedule conflicts, medical decisions, or shifts in housing situations.

Modification Issues

Another post-divorce issue involves the modification of child support or spousal support. It might be possible to alter these court-ordered monthly payments when financial circumstances change for either party.

Modifying the Divorce Decree

Some circumstances can change so substantially that the only equitable outcome would be to modify the divorce decree. The process of altering the terms of the decree is possible, but it is rarely simple.

There is no strict time limit on when a divorce decree modification can take place. In theory, either spouse can seek modification shortly after the divorce decree becomes final. There is no time limit on pursuing these modifications, given that financial circumstances can change rapidly.

Some disputes can be resolved without the need for court intervention. Minor changes to parenting schedules might be resolved mutually without the need for additional court appearances.

The party seeking a modification must file a motion with the court if an amicable agreement is not possible. Once the other party is served, it is up to the family law court to determine whether modifying the decree is necessary.

Many factors can lead the court to agree to a modification. A common example includes changing financial circumstances for one or both former spouses. Other common issues can include changes in health, remarriage, or changes in housing circumstances. A post-divorce disputes lawyer in Connecticut can assist with the process of modifying a divorce decree under any of these circumstances.

Talk to a Connecticut Post-Divorce Disputes Attorney Right Away

The challenges of divorce might not end with the final decree. Disputes over child custody, spousal support, or other important issues might come up again months or even years after the decree is entered by the family law court.

Fortunately, the right legal counsel can help you face these challenges directly and resolve them in a favorable manner. Reach out to a Connecticut post-divorce disputes lawyer today to learn more.

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