
Spousal support is not always awarded after a Connecticut divorce. When it is, it can be paid through various methods that depend on the couple and their specific circumstances.

Multiple factors go into the decision about how spousal support should be paid. Our seasoned alimony attorneys often negotiate spousal support in conjunction with the property settlement negotiation.

However, the distribution of marital property can significantly impact the Fairfield spousal support payment process. To learn more, schedule an initial consultation with our law office.

Should Ex-Partners Choose a Lump Sum or Periodic Payment?

Decisions concerning alimony are often part of the property settlement negotiations. Particularly for couples with high net worth or complex finances, tax considerations can affect how much a financial settlement takes the form of alimony or other property.

Working with a skilled Fairfield lawyer can help ensure that the settlement, including the payment process for spousal support, makes sense from a practical and tax perspective.

It is sometimes beneficial for all parties if alimony is paid in a lump sum at the end of the legal proceedings. Doing so could give the dependent spouse the means to purchase a home, relocate, or further their education. A lump sum payment also severs a couple’s financial relationship unless there is a separate child support obligation.

Periodic alimony is the more common arrangement, with the paying party providing a certain sum to the other party weekly, monthly, or on another agreed schedule. Sometimes, the parties or a court will determine that the paying partner should buy an annuity to provide periodic payments to the receiving party.

Connecticut General Statutes 46b-82 also allows a judge to require the paying spouse to buy a life insurance policy to guarantee that the receiving party will receive alimony in the event that the paying spouse dies.

How Are the Payments Made?

When a court orders periodic payments from the paying party to the receiving, it often designates how the payment should be made. In certain cases the court will require that payment be deducted directly from the paying party’s wages and transferred to the receiving party.

When the paying spouse is self-employed, or their income comes from sources other than W-2 wages, this method may not be feasible. Parties can agree to a different arrangement, like a direct electronic transfer from the paying party’s bank account into the receiving party’s account.

The appropriate payment method in a case will depend partly on the relationship between the parties. When there is a history of violence or coercive control, an arrangement that minimizes contact between the parties is beneficial. A Fairfield lawyer can help a spouse negotiate a spousal support payment method with these considerations in mind.

Record Keeping Is Critical

Parties who make or receive periodic spousal support payments must keep meticulous records. For this reason, spousal support payments should not be made or accepted in cash.

Sometimes, there is a dispute about whether a paying spouse has made the proper payment in full and on time. Without documentary evidence, there is no means of resolving the dispute. Electronic transfers between the parties or from the paying party’s employer to the recipient create records showing when a payment was made and received.

Work with a Fairfield Attorney to Create a Spousal Support Payment Procedure

Judges have a lot of flexibility regarding whether to grant spousal support, how much a spouse should receive, and for how long. They also have discretion to determine how the support should be paid.

A dedicated family law attorney can propose a Fairfield spousal support payment process that works for you. Call today to schedule an initial consultation with our well-versed legal team.

Connecticut Family Lawyer | CT Family Law | Dolan Family Attorneys N/a
1305 Post Road, Suite 205 Fairfield CT 06824 (203) 990-1387