In many marriages, one spouse is financially dependent upon the other. In a divorce, the dependent spouse may be unable to maintain a similar lifestyle independently.
Post-divorce spousal support helps ease the transition for people in a dependent financial position in their marriages. However, there are several different forms of alimony. Speak with one of our experienced spousal support attorneys to learn about types of alimony in Fairfield.
A spouse who is financially dependent on the other may struggle financially when the couple first separates. Connecticut General Statutes 46b-83 makes a form of temporary support called alimony pendente lite available in these circumstances.
The spouse seeking support must request it in the initial court pleadings. The court will hold a hearing, and the spouse seeking alimony pendente lite must show that their income alone cannot support their household. A Fairfield lawyer can help a spouse seeking this type of alimony compile documentation proving that they need the support while the divorce is pending.
Alimony pendente lite lasts only until the divorce is final. At that point, each spouse has access to their share of the marital property, and alimony post-divorce is addressed separately..
Sometimes a spouse is not well-positioned to support themselves in a lifestyle similar to that which they enjoyed while they were married. In these cases, post-divorce spousal support may be appropriate.
The spouse seeking the support must ask for it while the divorce is pending. They must prove that they cannot support themselves and that they will be financially disadvantaged compared to their soon to be ex spouse who has sufficient means to provide support.
In many cases, the court will award alimony for a period of time to allow the receiving spouse to gain the skills and experience they require to become self-supporting. When the receiving spouse is caring for young children, the court may grant alimony until the children are in school full-time, or even later, if the situation warrants it. A Fairfield attorney can review a specific type of situation and propose a reasonable duration for alimony.
A Connecticut judge can consider multiple factors when deciding whether to grant post-divorce spousal support. They include the length of the marriage, the age and health of both spouses, and each spouse’s earning potential. Sometimes a review of these factors indicates that a receiving spouse is unlikely ever to be able to support themselves without help.
Permanent or indefinite spousal support is possible in these circumstances, but it is not awarded frequently. Spouses are most likely to receive permanent support when a marriage has endured for 30 or more years. A Fairfield lawyer can advise a spouse about whether indefinite support may be possible in their specific circumstances.
When a spouse has not been in the workforce for a considerable time, does not have marketable skills, or has health issues that prevent them working, courts may award permanent alimony. Indefinite spousal support may also be granted when a receiving spouse is the full-time caregiver for a disabled child.
Paying or receiving spousal support can make a big difference in the quality of your financial life during and after your divorce. Before you begin proceedings, it is critical to understand the types of alimony in Fairfield, which is something a lawyer can help with.
A skilled divorce attorney can provide valuable guidance. Contact our firm today to learn more about spousal support.