
Divorcing couples often have similar ideas about child custody, child support, and even property division. However, post-divorce spousal support may be a controversial subject.

Spousal support is not mandatory in Connecticut, but judges will award it in some cases. If spousal support is an issue in your divorce, you need the services of an experienced alimony attorney. Sound advice, aggressive advocacy, and excellent negotiating skills are just some of the benefits of a Southbury spousal support lawyer.

Alimony Is Not Automatic

One spouse may face hardship after a divorce when financially dependent upon the other. Spousal support, or alimony, can provide necessary financial security in the years immediately following the end of the union.

However, the receiving spouse must prove that they require financial support. Connecticut General Statutes 46b-82 allows a judge to consider the following:

  • The requesting spouse’s age and health
  • Whether they are the primary caretakers for young children
  • Education
  • Skills
  • Work history

The court will also consider the capacity of the other spouse to pay alimony. Courts generally will not award spousal support if it would impoverish or cause financial hardship to the paying spouse. A Southbury attorney can review a client’s divorce case and determine whether the benefits of alimony outweigh the hindrance on the other spouse.

A Legal Professional Can Verify Financial Data

The party requesting alimony must provide financial data indicating that they have a need and that their spouse has sufficient means to pay. The other spouse may present their own information showing either that the requesting spouse is capable of being self-supporting or that they do not have adequate resources to pay ongoing alimony.

A seasoned family law attorney has the knowledge and skill to verify the financial data the other side presents and can deliver persuasive arguments supporting a client’s position.

For example, a spouse may attempt to minimize their income or wealth to avoid paying alimony. People may quit their jobs or be intentionally underemployed to reduce their potential obligations. When a skilled legal professional can prove that a spouse‘s actions are intended to deprive the other of alimony, a judge can impute the income the spouse could be earning and award the other person with appropriate support.

Negotiated Support Settlements Are Advantageous

Most divorces never go to trial because the spouses settle their issues outside of court. When couples negotiate alimony as a part of their divorce settlement, they maintain more control over the outcome and can craft an agreement that makes sense for them.

Working with a dedicated attorney can be extremely helpful when negotiating alimony. They understand that post-divorce spousal support, child support, and property division will substantially impact the quality of each spouse’s life moving forward.

A Southbury lawyer understands there may be substantial tax implications to how they structure property division and spousal support benefits. They can work with the other spouse’s attorney and financial professionals to ensure the final settlement is as tax-advantageous as possible for both parties.

Consult a Southbury Attorney About the Benefits of Spousal Support

Alimony is awarded at the discretion of the judge. It is essential that you make a skilled and professional presentation in order to meet your goals regarding spousal support.

The skills necessary to make that presentation are one of the primary benefits of a Southbury spousal support lawyer. Reach out to schedule a consultation and find out how our attorneys can help you.

Connecticut Family Lawyer | CT Family Law | Dolan Family Attorneys N/a
220 Main Street Suite I Southbury CT 06488 (203) 806-9254