When parents divorce, separate, or are unmarried, the court will memorialize their responsibilities and visitation access in a written agreement. Particularly in a divorce, the court may also address financial concerns such as child support payments.
If you are a father dealing with these legal proceedings, you have the right to work with a skilled attorney who can advocate for your relationship with your children. Family law can be complicated, emotional, and stressful, but a Connecticut father’s rights lawyer can guide you through the legal system and support you every step of the way.
Custody refers to both physical custody, which is where the child primarily lives, and legal custody, which is the right to make important decisions regarding the child’s well-being. Parents often share both forms of custody, but there are cases where a court will give only one parent physical custody, legal custody, or both. A court can also grant one of the parents the ability to make decisions about a particular area of a child’s life, such as healthcare or education.
Many people assume that mothers will have an advantage when litigating custody. However, the law does not favor one parent over the other. Custody arrangements are meant to uphold the best interests of the children. To make this determination, courts will look at various factors, including:
In custody proceedings, fathers should work with an experienced local attorney who can highlight the important role they play in their children’s lives. If a father is unable to obtain custody, a dedicated lawyer can also help with pursuing a favorable visitation schedule so that he may spend time with his children.
The purpose of child support is to ensure that both parents make financial contributions for their minor children. When determining child support, the Connecticut courts will consider the following:
While there is a stereotype that the father will pay support to the mother, this is not always the case. Support payments depend on the individual circumstances of each family. It is important for a father to discuss his situation with a knowledgeable lawyer to better understand his legal rights and obligations for supporting his children.
Unmarried fathers also have legal rights in Connecticut. However, an unmarried father usually must prove that he is the biological parent of a child before he can seek the right to custody or visitation.
Once a child’s father is established through DNA testing or other means, the court may consider his request for custody or visitation. However, there are many other legal obstacles for an unmarried father to gain parenting rights, so it is best to work with a skilled attorney in the area when pursuing custody or visitation.
As a father, you have legal rights that protect your relationship with your children. However, in legal proceedings, it is crucial to work with a seasoned lawyer who understands your specific situation and can demonstrate the importance of your familial role to the court.
Any divorced or separated father seeking custody or visitation can benefit from a legal advocate. Call a Connecticut father’s rights lawyer today to protect your relationship with your children.