
Determining the paternity of a minor child is important for many reasons. While this formal determination can provide a child with answers about their health and background, it also confirms the rights and responsibilities of a father under the law.

When you are considering a paternity test in Hartford, keep in mind that you might need a court order if all parties cannot agree. This process can be challenging, especially without help. A dedicated child custody attorney can assist you through every stage of establishing paternity.

Why Establishing Paternity is Important

There are many reasons to undergo paternity testing in Hartford. The benefits of establishing paternity extend not only to the child but also the parents. It is crucial to have a clear understanding of a child’s biological parents, and establishing paternity could be the first step toward building a relationship with both parents.

There are also important health reasons to consider. When a child learns the identity of their biological father, it could give them insight into potential medical issues. This includes learning about family medical issues that might not be obvious at birth or during childhood development.

A child can receive financial benefits related to establishing paternity. Once a father determines paternity, a child can receive support payments from them. A child could also benefit from the proceeds of pensions, Social Security, or other earned benefits that transfer from father to child.

Who Can Establish Paternity?

Either party—the mother or potential father—has the ability to seek a determination of paternity for a minor child. A person in Hartford can complete the paternity process in one of two ways. When both people agree to a paternity test, they can use a private lab for the testing. If the test proves paternity, the father can sign a document known as an Acknowledgement of Paternity. A person can sign this document at the hospital when the child is born or return it to a local Department of Social Services office after signing it at a later date.

The second option presents when both sides cannot agree to a voluntary paternity test. In these cases, it is necessary to involve the court system. Either person can petition the court for a paternity test. If the court orders the test, both the potential father and the child will submit DNA. If the test reflects a DNA link, the court will issue an order of paternity.

Paternity tests involve costs. When a person takes a paternity test voluntarily, the two people can choose to split those costs as they see fit. When the court orders a test, and it confirms paternity, they could require the father to pay for the test unless they can show they lack the means to do so.

Contact an Attorney About Paternity Tests in Harford

If you have questions about the paternity of a child, now is the time to consider your legal options. An attorney can help you with completing paternity tests in Hartford. These tests could clear up any doubt about the paternity of the child in your life. When you have questions about your parental rights and legal options, a DNA test could provide answers. Reach out right away for a confidential consultation.

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