
Preparation for Divorce in Stamford

Just like every divorce is different, preparing for every divorce is different. A person anticipating an amicable divorce from a reasonable person may have a more straightforward process preparing for their divorce compared with individuals who have experienced domestic violence, emotional abuse, or physical abuse in their marriage. Being prepared will make the process go more smoothly and increase your chances of success, whether your divorce will be amiable or highly contested.

We put together some tips to help people prepare for the divorce process. You should review these tips in light of your circumstances. If you are in a dangerous relationship, you should also include safety planning. The more contentious your relationship, the more critical it is to seek professional advice for preparation for divorce in Stamford.

Emotional Support

No one gets married planning to get divorced. Even if someone is ready to leave their partner, they may find themselves struggling with feelings of loss and sorrow. For a difficult divorce, a person may need friends or family to help keep them safe, let them vent, and more. That is why it is crucial to put together emotional support.

This might be more difficult than people realize. People could lose friends during their marriage, and others will lose friends or even family support as they go through the divorce process. Abusive partners may have isolated their spouses from their friends and family. So, before filing paperwork, a person planning to divorce should reconnect with their support network. That can be the best preparation for a divorce in Stamford.

Get an Attorney

Even when a person expects an amicable, mutually-agreed divorce, consulting an attorney is still a good idea. Many people think of lawyers as people who go to battle in a courtroom. However, a lawyer’s primary role is to ensure that a person knows their legal rights and responsibilities. With that knowledge, a person can make informed decisions.

Once someone realizes they need an attorney to handle their divorce, they should pick one who will look out for their best interests. Many people think they want the most aggressive divorce attorney. However, when the attorneys fight over every issue, it depletes the marital estate—the lawyers are the only ones who win. Picking a Stamford lawyer who will not line their pockets at their client’s expense is excellent divorce preparation.

Gather Information

Before filing for a divorce, a spouse needs to gather certain information. The filing spouse must provide identifying information for their spouse and children in their divorce papers. Examples include:

  • Names
  • Social security numbers
  • Marriage licenses
  • Birth certificates
  • Tax returns
  • Wills
  • Employer name and contact information
  • More

Financial information is just as important. Before filing for a divorce, a person should investigate their marital and personal assets. That includes checking accounts, savings accounts, retirement accounts, mortgages, credit card debts, and more. The more information people gather in preparation for a divorce, the less likely they will be surprised during the process.

Decide on a Fault or No-Fault Divorce

When a spouse mistreats a person, it can be tempting to file for a fault divorce to prove they were wrong. However, fault divorces are generally longer and more expensive than no-fault divorces.

Furthermore, it is essential to realize that if a party cannot prove fault to the court, the court cannot grant the divorce. So, deciding whether to file a fault or no-fault divorce is a strategic decision when preparing for a divorce.

Our Stamford Lawyers Can Help You Prepare for Divorce

Divorce can be stressful, heartbreaking, lonely, expensive, and frustrating. Knowing what to expect can help reduce stress and frustration. Plus, preparing ahead of time can ensure you have access to information. After all, once you file for divorce, your spouse may take steps to keep information from you. Schedule a consultation with a seasoned family law attorney at our firm to learn more about preparation for divorce in Stamford.

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