
Connecticut offers its residents two divorce options: fault and no-fault. A fault-based divorce involves one spouse claiming the other is responsible for the breakdown of the marriage. In a no-fault divorce, neither party places the blame on the other, and instead cite irretrievable breakdown as the basis for the divorce.

While a no-fault divorce is a more amicable way to end a marriage, spouses still need to navigate issues such as custody, alimony, and property division, which generally require professional legal assistance.

If you plan to get a divorce, you can benefit from working with a New Haven no-fault divorce lawyer. Contact our law office today to speak with an experienced divorce attorney.

Legal Grounds for No-Fault Divorce

While there are many grounds for fault-based divorce, Connecticut General Statutes § 46b-40 outlines just two for no-fault divorces. The first is an irretrievable breakdown of marriage. The second occurs if spouses have lived apart for at least 18 months before filing for the divorce due to incompatibility, and there are no reasonable prospects for reconciliation.

While a no-fault divorce does not initially involve blaming one of the spouses, the court may introduce fault into the case when making decisions about property division and other issues. A New Haven lawyer can help spouses achieve favorable no-fault divorce outcomes.

How to File for a No-Fault Divorce

Initiating a no-fault divorce involves a comprehensive process, including filing, serving, and responding to a complaint. This ensures that all aspects of the divorce are considered and addressed.

Filing a Complaint

The plaintiff spouse files a complaint in the superior court in the judicial district where either spouse resides. This complaint contains reasons for the divorce and lists information about the children, if any.

Serving a Complaint

After filing a complaint, the plaintiff spouse must serve the other party by way of a state marshal. They must also arrange to serve the court summons and notice of automatic court orders.

Responding to a Complaint

The spouse who was served with divorce papers must respond by the deadline. Then, depending on the situation, that spouse may need to file an appearance, answer, and cross-complaint form.

One of the main factors contributing to a desirable divorce outcome is ensuring all documents are filed correctly. A no-fault divorce attorney in New Haven can help their client file and respond to complaints appropriately.

The Importance of an Attorney in a No-Fault Divorce

A no-fault divorce does not place the blame on one of the spouses. However, it still involves property division, alimony, custody questions, etc. To protect a person’s rights, they need to understand the laws surrounding each issue.

Without legal education and experience, navigating a no-fault divorce is very challenging. If one spouse hires legal counsel, the other is even more likely to face unfavorable outcomes.

Individuals going through a no-fault divorce should consult with a hardworking lawyer in New Haven to protect their rights and avoid complications.

Get in Touch With a No-Fault Divorce Attorney in New Haven Today

It is essential to partner with a New Haven no-fault divorce lawyer whether you are considering filing to end your marriage or are already in the process. At Dolan Divorce Lawyers PLLC, we have a legal team with decades of experience handling cases like yours.

For more information or to speak with a reliable family attorney, schedule an initial consultation with our law office today.

Connecticut Family Lawyer | CT Family Law | Dolan Family Attorneys N/a
129 Whitney Ave #3A New Haven CT 06510 (203) 720-6874