
Ending a marriage in New Haven comes with a number of complex nuances. Even if the divorce circumstances appear straightforward, the legal issues accompanying them can be complicated.

Understanding New Haven divorce requirements is key to protecting your rights and the rights of your children. With an experienced divorce attorney in your corner, you can ensure fair treatment and navigate the process seamlessly.

Who Has the Right to File for a Divorce?

New Haven divorce requirements begin with the issue of jurisdiction. Individuals can file for a divorce if they or their spouse are residents of Connecticut. However, the divorce cannot be finalized unless one or more of the following is true:

  • One of the spouses must have lived in Connecticut for a year before filing or before the signing of the divorce decree
  • One of the spouses left Connecticut after being married in the state and then came back by the filing date
  • The cause of the divorce occurred after one of the spouses moved to Connecticut

If the cause of the divorce took place after a spouse moved to the state, it does not require someone to meet the one-year residency requirement. However, they could have a problem with the New Haven court finalizing the divorce unless one of the spouses has lived in Connecticut for 12 months leading up to the date of judgment.

Requirements for Court Attendance

In New Haven, court attendance is not always required to get a no-fault divorce. The couple may not have to see a judge if:

  • Spouses have been married for less than nine years
  • Neither of the spouses is pregnant
  • Spouses do not have children
  • There is no interest or title in real property
  • The property owned costs less than $80,000
  • There is no defined benefit pension plan
  • There are no pending bankruptcy proceedings
  • There is not any other divorce action pending
  • There are no restraining or protective orders between spouses

Spouses who believe they fully agree on all issues (e.g., children, property division, alimony) can get a divorce anytime. They can either request a hearing or fill out the necessary documentation asking to be divorced without a hearing.

Divorce without an agreement requires an appearance in front of a judge. It involves filing the necessary paperwork, serving the forms to the spouse, and waiting for the court to assign a court date.

Navigating the procedure and requirements of divorce without an agreement is difficult without a New Haven attorney. Schedule an initial consultation today for more information.

Grounds for Filing a Divorce in New Haven

One of the main divorce requirements for fault divorces in New Haven is demonstrating that the other spouse’s behavior led to the breakdown of the marriage. This is called the grounds for a divorce. In Connecticut, they include the following:

  • Absence for at least seven years with no communication
  • Adultery
  • Alcohol or drug addiction
  • Fraud
  • Imprisonment for life or for certain crimes
  • Intolerable cruelty
  • Willful desertion of a spouse for at least a year

There is also a possibility to file for a fault divorce if the other spouse has a mental illness that confines them to a psychiatric institution for at least five years. A seasoned lawyer can help a client through the divorce process.

Discuss New Haven Divorce Requirements with an Experienced Attorney

Even if you are planning a no-fault divorce with both spouses in agreement on all the matters, you may still require legal counsel to ensure the right steps are taken.

At Dolan Divorce Lawyers PLLC, we have considerable experience helping New Haven residents meet requirements and achieve their divorce goals. To schedule a consultation, please get in touch with our hardworking family attorneys at any time.

Connecticut Family Lawyer | CT Family Law | Dolan Family Attorneys N/a
129 Whitney Ave #3A New Haven CT 06510 (203) 720-6874